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About Me


I am a wife and mother, of two boys - both under the age of 8, the youngest of whom is Deaf. I left work with the Welsh Government, to become a stay at home mum, and work with South East Wales Deaf Children's Society, a group set up by Parents for Children, who suffer any level of Hearing loss and their siblings and families.


I decided that I would like to work for myself and work from home. What better way than to start my own freelance business, doing what I know?


I have 14 years’ experience working in the civil service, including proofreading information, from documents to webpages and electronic newsletters.


My work also included editing copy for social media platforms and newsletters and compiling information and writing reports. To me this means:

​                      Your work will be in good hands.


My Current Work includes:


  • Proofreading and copy-editing documents and

  • Typing and proof reading dissertations and student essays.

  • Proofreading and editing course with Chapterhouse Publishing

  • Co-Founder, Committee Member and Communications manager for South East Wales Deaf Children’s Society – A charity set up for Children with Hearing loss/Deaf and their families. This includes, email campaigns, Social media campaigns and event planning.


Previous work: Working for Wales Tourist Board / Visit Wales / Welsh Government – for 14 years.


Proof reading Quality Assurance Criteria documents for grading of:

  • Hotel accommodation

  • Self-Catering accommodation

  • Hostel accommodation

  • Caravan Park accommodation


Tourism Industry E-Newsletter and Campaigns and Tourism Industry Website.

The Tourism industry website, E-newsletters and campaigns are used by all units and departments within Visit Wales, my role was to co-ordinate content for Visit Wales Industry Focused E-Newsletters and E-Campaigns. This included:

  • Writing articles for E-Newsletters and campaigns

  • Proof reading articles for E-Newsletters and campaigns

  • copy editing articles for E-Newsletters and campaigns

  • Co-ordinate copy and articles for the website from other units and departments.

  • Copy writing, editing and proof reading website pages and articles for the website

  • Content structure, upload and maintenance of website.

Services we offer include:


  • Dissertation and Student typing for higher levels of education

  • Proofreading

  • Editing


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Call or Text Me:

07376 561297

Amanda W:


It is important to know the difference between, There, they're and their - Do you know when each should be used?

I do!


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